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Additional file 1: of Long non-coding RNAs identify a subset of luminal muscle-invasive bladder cancer patients with favorable prognosis

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posted on 2019-10-17, 05:00 authored by Joep de Jong, Yang Liu, A. Robertson, Roland Seiler, Clarice Groeneveld, Michiel Heijden, Jonathan Wright, James Douglas, Marc Dall’Era, Simon Crabb, Bas Rhijn, Kim Kessel, Elai Davicioni, Mauro Castro, Yair Lotan, Ellen Zwarthoff, Peter Black, Joost Boormans, Ewan Gibb
Table S1: Final list of gene features and coefficients for the genomic classifier. Table S2: Concordance of our generated lncRNA clusters and the lncRNA clusters from the TCGA 2017 publication, in the TCGA cohort. Table S3: Intersection of the lncRNA-based consensus clusters and the TCGA2017 mRNA subtypes for the NAC and TCGA cohorts. Table S4: Mutation status enrichment for LPL-C3 vs other in TCGA cohort. Table S5: Fusion event enrichment for LPL-C3 vs other in TCGA cohort. Table S6: Intersection of the GC FGFR3+ tumors and the TCGA2017 mRNA subtypes for the NAC, TCGA, UTSW and PCC cohorts. Table S7: Multivariable analyses in the NAC, TCGA and UTSW cohorts. Table S8: Intersection of the GC FGFR3+ tumors and the Consensus Classifier mRNA subtypes for the NAC, TCGA, UTSW and PCC cohorts. (XLSX 23 kb)
