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Additional file 1: of Is small size at birth associated with early childhood morbidity in white British and Pakistani origin UK children aged 0–3? Findings from the born in Bradford cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-02-01, 05:00 authored by Jane West, Brian Kelly, Paul Collings, Gillian Santorelli, Dan Mason, John Wright
Table S1. Comparison of models of predicted child outcome measures (with 95% CI), by ethnicity, low birth-weight and small for gestational age (SGA-GROW) with and without adjustment for socio-economic variables (predicted rates with 95% CI). Table S2. Comparison of adjusted* incidence rate ratios (95% CI) of child outcome measures by ethnicity, low birth-weight and small for gestational age (SGA-GROW) with and without adjustment for socioeconomic variables. (DOC 89 kb)


Medical Research Council
