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Additional file 1: of Investigation into the role of the germline epigenome in the transmission of glucocorticoid-programmed effects across generations

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-04-10, 05:00 authored by Jessy Cartier, Thomas Smith, John Thomson, Catherine Rose, Batbayar Khulan, Andreas Heger, Richard Meehan, Amanda Drake
Supplementary methods. ERRBS on germ cells. Figure S1. 5mC profiling in sperm. Figure S2. DNA methylation in the developing germline is unaffected by Dex treatment across the genome. Figure S3. DNA methylation in the developing germline is unaffected by Dex treatment: reproducibility and power calculations. Figure S4. sRNA-Seq analysis is sufficiently powered to detect differential expression. Figure S5. F1-sperm sRNA expression shows consistent lack of affect for Dex treatment for two quantification methods. Figure S6. Fold changes between Dex and Veh sRNA expression and histone methylation and are not correlated. (PDF 1566 kb)


Medical Research Council
