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Additional file 1: of Inter-genome comparison of the Quorn fungus Fusarium venenatum and the closely related plant infecting pathogen Fusarium graminearum

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-04-19, 05:00 authored by Robert King, Neil Brown, Martin Urban, Kim Hammond-Kosack
Biological growth characteristics of F. venenatum compared to its close pathogenic relative F. graminearum. (A) Appearance of inoculated wheat head of cv. Bobwhite, 21 days after plug inoculations (dpi) with F. venenatum (Fv), (B) mock inoculation with water, (C) with F. graminearum (Fg). The white arrow indicates the inoculation points. (D) Appearance of wheat head 16 days after spray inoculation (dsi) with Fv, (E) mock spray inoculation with water, (F) spray inoculation with Fg. (G) Wheat seeds collected from a typical spray inoculated wheat head at 21 dsi with Fv, (H) mock spray with water, (I) with Fg. (J) Fv macrospores, (K) Fg macrospores. (L) Fv and (M) Fg growth on PDB plate at 6 days. (N) Fv inoculated tomato fruit at 4 days, (O) water control, (P) Fg. (Q) Fv inoculated tomato fruit at 12 days, (R) water control, (S) Fg. Bars in J, K: 10 μm. (PDF 268 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
