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Additional file 1 of Inhalation of printer-emitted particles impairs cardiac conduction, hemodynamics, and autonomic regulation and induces arrhythmia and electrical remodeling in rats

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-30, 04:58 authored by Alex Carll, Renata Salatini, Sandra Pirela, Yun Wang, Zhengzhi Xie, Pawel Lorkiewicz, Nazratan Naeem, Yong Qian, Vincent Castranova, John Godleski, Philip Demokritou
Additional file 1: Results. Table S1. Baseline characteristics of treatment groups. Table S2. Daily effects of PEPs exposure on LV pressure, HRV, and ECG morphology. Table S3. Daily effects of PEPs on LV pressure, HRV, and ECG morphology at 2 days, 35 days, and 70 days after exposure cessation, and before, during, and after individual 20-min stress tests. Table S4. Plasma ELISAs results. Table S5. Summary of physiologic effects of PEPs on cardiac hemodynamic, autonomic, and electrophysiologic function. Figure S1. Aerosol characterization over the 21-day exposure to laser printer-emitted particles (PEPs). Figure S2. Effects of PEPs on high frequency HRV during and immediately after exposure. Figure S3. Effects of PEPs on maximum LV pressure upslope (dP/dtmax ), minimum downslope (dP/dtmin ), and rate-pressure product. Figure S4. BRS slope during inhalation exposures. Figure S5. Changes in heart rate and LV pressure before, during, and after 20-min ice water stress tests at 2 days, 5 weeks, and 10 weeks after PEPs. Figure S6. Influence of PEPs on stress-induced ventricular premature beats. Figure S7. Effects of PEPs exposure and ice water stress on core body temperature before, during, and after ice water stress tests. Figure S8. Urinary norepinephrine analyzed by ELISA. Figure S9. Urine catecholamines at 10 weeks after cessation of PEPs exposure measured by HPLC MS/MS. Figure S10. Ratios of parent compounds to daughter metabolites for assessment of metabolic activity at 10 weeks after cessation of PEPs exposure. Figure S11. Serine phosphorylation of Kv7.1 was not significantly altered by PEPs. Figure S12. PEPs does not significantly affect ventricular phosphorylation of ERK or AKT. Figure S13. Effects of PEPs on β1AR expression in the right and left ventricular myocardium. Figure S14. PEPs did not significantly affect RV cardiac troponin I (cTnI) phosphorylation or total heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-1) expression. Figure S15. ECG and LVP analysis. Methods.


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
