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Additional file 1: of Increasing incidence of syphilis among patients engaged in HIV care in Alberta, Canada: a retrospective clinic-based cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-03-13, 05:00 authored by Raynell Lang, Ron Read, Hartmut Krentz, Soheil Ramazani, Mingkai Peng, Jennifer Gratrix, M. Gill
Table S1. Characteristics of HIV+ patients regularly followed at the Southern Alberta Clinic between 1/1/2006 and 12/31/2016 comparing patients in four groups: syphilis positive (reference group), repeat syphilis positive, syphilis positive not on ART, syphilis positive not HIV Virologically suppressed (VL > 40 copies/mL). 1Indigenous includes Aboriginal, Metis and Inuit; ACB includes African, Caribbean, Black; Other includes IndoAsian, Hispanic, East Asian, and other. 2MSM = self-reported men who have sex with men identification; HET = self-reported heterosexual identification; PWID = self-reported intravenous drug use identification; Other HIV Risk factor behavior includes: blood transfusions, hemophiliac, neonatal, postnatal infection, unknown or not reported. 3History of Cigarette Smoking-Current or Past; History of Alcohol Abuse- > 14 drinks/week or binge drinking; History of Recreational Drug Use –Current or Past; History of Intimate Partner Violence-Current or Past. (DOCX 24 kb)


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