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Additional file 1 of Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of established prognostic factors and survival in a clinical cohort of individuals with oropharyngeal cancer

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-06-30, 04:25 authored by Ryan Langdon, Rebecca Richmond, Hannah R. Elliott, Tom Dudding, Nabila Kazmi, Chris Penfold, Kate Ingarfield, Karen Ho, Andrew Bretherick, Chris Haley, Yanni Zeng, Rosie M. Walker, Michael Pawlita, Tim Waterboer, Tom Gaunt, George Davey Smith, Matthew Suderman, Steve Thomas, Andy Ness, Caroline Relton
Additional file 1:Supplementary Figure 1. Heatmap showing correlation between top CpG sites (P<1x10-7) from each prognostic factor (alcohol consumption, HPV16 E6 seropositivity and smoking) and survival EWAS (Model 1: ~3-year survival adjusted for age sex and surrogate variables; Model 2: as Model 1, additionally adjusted for HPV16E6 seropositivity, smoking status and alcohol intake). Strength of association is shown by depth of colour; deeper red denotes a stronger phenotypic association with a hypermethylated CpG and deeper cyan denotes a stronger phenotypic association with a hypomethylated CpG. Supplementary Figure 2. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with laser surgery in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 3. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with surgery on an OPC primary tumour in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 4. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with neck resection surgery in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 5. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with teletherapy in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 6. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with chemotherapy in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 7. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with chemoradiotherapy in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 8. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with TNM stage in HN5000. Supplementary Figure 9. - Surrogate variables correlated at P<0.05 (Pearson's) with neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in HN5000.


Medical Research Council Cancer Research UK Wellcome Trust Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate Scottish Funding Council University of Edinburgh Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology Programme Grants for Applied Research
