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Additional file 1: of Genome sequences of two closely related strains of Escherichia coli K-12 GM4792

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-12-10, 05:00 authored by Yan-Cong Zhang, Yan Zhang, Bi-Ru Zhu, Bo-Wen Zhang, Chuan Ni, Da-Yong Zhang, Ying Huang, Erli Pang, Kui Lin
Supplementary Tables and Figures. Table S1. Genomic differences between E. coli GM4792 Lac+ and Lac- detected via reads mapping with breseq pipeline. Table S2. Structural variations (insertions, deletions) of GM4792 Lac+ compared to MG1655 obtained with Mauve. Table S3. Structural variations (insertions, deletions) of GM4792 Lac- compared to MG1655 obtained with Mauve. Table S4. Nonsynonymous changes in protein sequence of GM4792 Lac+ compared to MG1655 obtained with Mauve. Table S5. Nonsynonymous changes in protein sequence of GM4792 Lac- compared to MG1655 obtained with Mauve. Table S6. 45 complete genomes used in this study. Table S7. The complete set of input parameters used for programs. Figure S1. Scanning-electron micrograph of strain E. coli GM4792 Lac-. Figure S2. Phylogenetic tree inferred from the supermatrix of proteome sequences under the Maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion. Figure S3. Graphical circular map of the chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12 GM4792 Lac-. Figure S4. Mutations related to lactose utilization. (PDF 4042 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
