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Additional file 1: of Fasting and time of day independently modulate circadian rhythm relevant gene expression in adipose and skin tissue

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posted on 2018-09-07, 05:00 authored by Alexessander Couto Alves, Craig Glastonbury, Julia El-Sayed Moustafa, Kerrin Small
Table S1. Genes significantly associated with hours of fasting, time of day or seasonality in fat or skin. Table S2. Replicability of literature studies and our study across taxa. Table S3. Replicability of genes associated with hours fasting and time of day. Table S4. Gene ontology enrichment of the hours fasting and solar time in fat and skin using TopGO. Table S5. Gene ontology enrichment of the hours fasting and solar time in fat and skin using ToppFun. Table S6. Ingenuity canonical pathways enrichment of the hours fasting and solar time in fat and skin using Ingenuity software. Table S7. Sensitivity analysis of GO term enrichment using Cut-off P < 2E-6 equivalent to BY FDR < 5%. Table S8. Sensitivity analysis of GO term enrichment using Cut-off P < 5E-7 equivalent to Bonferroni correction for 100, 000 independent tests. Table S9. Number of genes associated with hours fasting as a function of tissue, quantification, regression model. Table S10. Top pathway obtained with enrichment analysis of Fat and Skin gene expression as a function of quantification, regression model, and P-value corrections. Table S11. Epidemiological identification of mediators of the response to fasting. Table S12. Genes with eQTL SNPs overlapping GWAS Signals associated with multiple phenotypes, enriched for cardio-metabolic and immune related phenotypes. Table S13. Genes with GxE eQTL SNPs with FWER< 0.05. (XLSX 440 kb)


Medical Research Council
