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Additional file 1: of Differences in neurotropism and neurotoxicity among retrograde viral tracers

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posted on 2019-02-08, 05:00 authored by Leqiang Sun, Yajie Tang, Keji Yan, Jinsong Yu, Yanyan Zou, Weize Xu, Ke Xiao, Zhihui Zhang, Weiming Li, Beili Wu, Zhe Hu, Kening Chen, Zhen Fu, Jinxia Dai, Gang Cao
Figure S1. Comparison of mono-synaptic labeling between rAAV2-retro and RV-∆G under Cre expression in Ai9 reporter mice. (A) Schematic diagram of virus injection into the LHA of Ai9 reporter mice. (B, C) Both rAAV2-retro-Cre-tagBFP and RV-∆G-Cre-tagBFP were accurately injected into the LHA. (D-E’) Intense labeling was observed in the mPFC (Cg1+PrL) following injection of rAAV2-retro-Cre-tagBFP (D, D’), while weak labeling was observed in the NAc (D, D”) and PVN (E, E’). (F-G’) No mPFC labeling was observed following injection of RV-∆G-Cre-tagBFP (F, F’), which was capable of labeling neurons in the NAc (F, F”) and PVN (G, G’). Red, tdTomato expressed by rAAV2-retro-Cre-tagBFP- or RV-∆G-Cre-tagBFP-labeled cells; blue, DAPI. Scale bars = 1 mm for B-G; 200 μm for magnified images. (TIF 4110 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
