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Additional file 1: of Development and validation of an updated computational model of Streptomyces coelicolor primary and secondary metabolism

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-04, 05:00 authored by Adam Amara, Eriko Takano, Rainer Breitling
Containing the Table S3. Summary table of the updates and new features added to the iAA1259 model compared to the previous generations. Table S4. Table of the new reactions added to the iAA1259 model. Table S5. Table of the new metabolites added to the iAA1259 model. Table S6. Table of the new genes added to the iAA1259 model. Figure S1. Correlation analysis between gene expression and predicted fluxes for iMA789 and iMK1208 (gene expression showing a variation superior to 25%). Figure S2. Mapping of observed metabolites in an untargeted metabolomics dataset onto the metabolic network. Table S7. Constraints used and predicted growth rates of the different models from the Fig. 1. Figure S3. Comparison of the normalized growth prediction of the metabolic models to the experimental data. (DOC 4121 kb)


Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Manchester
