Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of DNAscan: personal computer compatible NGS analysis, annotation and visualisation

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-04-27, 05:00 authored by A. Iacoangeli, A. Al Khleifat, W. Sproviero, A. Shatunov, A. Jones, S. Morgan, A. Pittman, R. Dobson, S. Newhouse, A. Al-Chalabi
Table S1. Alignment assessment results. HISAT2, BWA and Bowtie2 were tested on 150 million simulated Illumina paired end human reads and 1.250 billion real Illumina paired end human reads. For the three aligners on the two dataset the table shows the time taken, their memory fingerprint and the percentage of aligned-one-or-more-times reads, aligned-only-once reads and properly pared. All tests were run using 4 threads. (DOCX 19 kb)


Motor Neurone Disease Association
