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Additional file 1 of Correction to: Assessing genotype-phenotype associations in three dorsal colour morphs in the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) using genomic and transcriptomic resources

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posted on 2020-03-25, 04:33 authored by Ana S. B. Rodrigues, Sara E. Silva, Francisco Pina-Martins, João Loureiro, Mariana Castro, Karim Gharbi, Kevin P. Johnson, Christopher H. Dietrich, Paulo A. V. Borges, José A. Quartau, Chris D. Jiggins, Octávio S. Paulo, Sofia G. Seabra
Additional file 2: Table S1-S13. Lists of colour-associated SNPs obtained for each pairwise comparison and association analyses; genic and genotypic differentiation tests; pairwise Fst estimates among dorsal colour phenotypes; SNP correlation value (r2) in linkage disequilibrium analyses; Genome size estimates; Assembly statistics for genome and transcriptome; and lists of blast results.
