Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Comparative transcriptome profiling provides insights into plant salt tolerance in seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum)

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posted on 2020-02-08, 04:49 authored by Peipei Wu, Steven Cogill, Yijian Qiu, Zhigang Li, Man Zhou, Qian Hu, Zhihui Chang, Rooksana Noorai, Xiaoxia Xia, Christopher Saski, Paul Raymer, Hong Luo
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Size distribution of unigenes. Figure S2. E-value distribution of the Blastx hits against the nr protein database with an E-value cutoff of 1E− 5. Figure S3. Pie chart representation of seashore paspalum’s transcriptome GO annotation on level 2. Figure S4. Species distribution of unigenes. Table S1. Summary of transcriptome sequencing and de novo assembly. Table S2. Summary of annotation statistics of seashore paspalum’s transcriptome. Table S3. BUSCO analysis for the assessment of transcriptome completeness. Table S4. Transcription factors of different families in seashore paspalum’s transcriptome. Table S6. Summary of possible transcription factors that are commonly regulated by Supreme and Parish under salt-treated conditions. Table S7A. DEGs involved in “oxidation-reduction process” in salt-treated Supreme. Table S8A. DEGs with “nucleic acid binding activity” in salt-treated Supreme


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