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Additional file 1 of Co-expressing GroEL–GroES, Ssa1–Sis1 and Bip–PDI chaperones for enhanced intracellular production and partial-wall breaking improved stability of porcine growth hormone

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-19, 05:16 authored by Jinbo Deng, Jiaoqing Li, Miaopeng Ma, Peijing Zhao, Feiping Ming, Zhipeng Lu, Juqing Shi, Qin Fan, Qianyi Liang, Junhao Jia, Jiayi Li, Shuxia Zhang, Linghua Zhang
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Substitution omega PCR for pGAPK(H)A construction. Fig. S2. Insertion omega PCR for pGAPKA-Ssa1-GPR construction. Fig. S3. Insertion omega PCR for pGAPKA-PDI-GPR construction. Fig. S4. The plasmids used in this study. Fig. S5. Standard curve of BSA standard solution. Fig. S6. PCR splicing results. Fig. S7. PCR splicing results. Table S1. Primers for PCR reactions. Table S2. The plasmids used in this study.


Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (CN)
