Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of Chinstrap penguin population genetic structure: one or more populations along the Southern Ocean?

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-06-13, 05:00 authored by Isidora Mura-Jornet, Carolina Pimentel, Gisele Dantas, Maria Petry, Daniel González-Acuña, Andrés Barbosa, Andrew Lowther, Kit Kovacs, Elie Poulin, Juliana Vianna
Figure S1. Plot of assignment probabilities from STRUCTURE. A vertical bar represents an individual, and colors represent the different clusters found. All plots were generated via running 10 replicates. Figures show the optimal number of clusters for no admixture model, with independent allele frequency and no location information supplied using A) Posterior probability of K (LnP(D)) and B) Evanno’s method. (DOCX 20 kb)


Chilean Antarctic Institute
