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Additional file 1 of Changes in six domains of cognitive function with reproductive and chronological ageing and sex hormones: a longitudinal study in 2411 UK mid-life women

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-08-15, 03:28 authored by Fanny Kilpi, Ana Luiza G. Soares, Abigail Fraser, Scott M. Nelson, Naveed Sattar, Sean James Fallon, Kate Tilling, Deborah A. Lawlor
Additional file 1: Supplementary Text. – Analysis strategy. Supplementary Table 1. - Longitudinal analysis of cognitive function around menopause: results for reproductive age and chronological age (N = 2402–2408). Supplementary Table 2. - Longitudinal analysis of cognitive function by anti-Müllerian, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone around menopause (N = 2209–2213). Supplementary Table 3. - Mean baseline standardised cognitive function for women who did and did not participate in all three assessment clinics. Supplementary Table 4. -. Mean standardised cognitive function from second clinic for women who did not participate in first assessment clinic. Supplementary Table 5. - Longitudinal analysis of cognitive function around menopause in women who participated in all three assessment clinics: results for reproductive age and chronological age (N = 1385–1386). Supplementary Table 6. - Longitudinal analysis of cognitive function by anti-Müllerian, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone around menopause in women who participated in all three assessment clinics (N = 1348). Supplementary Table 7. - Percentage change in cognitive function by reproductive and chronological age.


BHF Wellcome Trust UK Medical Research Council Wellcome Trust National Institute for Health Research (GB)


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