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journal contribution
posted on 2019-02-07, 05:00 authored by Qiu Xiao, Jiawei Luo, Cheng Liang, Jie Cai, Guanghui Li, Buwen Cao
Figure S1. Topological features of the identified modules and the ceRNA regulatory module network. The distributions of number of (A) lncRNAs, (B) miRNAs, and (C) mRNAs for the identified modules in OV dataset. Figure S2. Topological features of the identified modules and the ceRNA regulatory module network. The distributions of number of (A) lncRNAs, (B) miRNAs, and (C) mRNAs for the identified modules in UCEC dataset. Figure S3. Overlap of the top 10 (A) miRNAs and (B) mRNAs across three dimensions (degree, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality) in OV dataset. Figure S4. Overlap of the top 10 (A) lncRNAs, (B) miRNAs and (C) mRNAs across three dimensions (degree, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality) in UCEC dataset. Figure S5 Kaplan-Meier survival curves for ovarian cancer patients classified into two groups using the module-averaged lncRNA expression levels. Table S2. The top 10 lncRNAs, miRNAs and mRNAs with the highest degree, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality in UCEC. (PDF 525 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
