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Additional file 1 of Bivalent promoter hypermethylation in cancer is linked to the H327me3/H3K4me3 ratio in embryonic stem cells

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-03-05, 04:59 authored by Donnchadh Dunican, Heidi Mjoseng, Leanne Duthie, Ilya Flyamer, Wendy Bickmore, Richard Meehan
Figure S1. Negative correlation between H3K4me3-only enriched regions and DNA methylation in mouse and human ESC. (Left) Scatterplot showing relationship between H3K4me3 ChIPseq readcounts and mean DNA methylation (WGBS) in 4 kb tiles overlapping H3K4me3-only regions (as defined by Mantsoki et al. in mouse ESC). Linear regression line of best fit is overlayed in blue. Pearson r-squared value is indicated top left. WGBS from WT mouse ESC was generated in-house. (Right) Scatterplot showing relationship between H3K4me3 ChIPseq readcounts and mean DNA methylation (WGBS) in 4 kb tiles overlapping H3K4me3-only regions (as defined by Mantsoki et al. in human ESC). Linear regression line of best fit is overlayed in blue. Pearson r-squared value is indicated top left. Human methylation data was from GEO accession GSM2138820.


Medical Research Council
