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Additional file 1 of Barriers and enablers to engagement in participatory arts activities amongst individuals with depression and anxiety: quantitative analyses using a behaviour change framework

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-28, 10:00 authored by Daisy Fancourt, Louise Baxter, Fabiana Lorencatto
Additional file 1: Questions on arts behavioural intentions. Table S1. Results from logistic regression analyses showing odds of reporting one or more factors that would encourage engagement in artistic hobbies amongst individuals who do not engage regularly and have (i) depression, and (ii) anxiety, compared to individuals with neither depression or anxiety [showing all predictors individually]. Figure S1. Selection of participants to the study (moderate-severe depression and anxiety). Table S2. Results from logistic regression analyses showing odds of reporting one or more factors that would encourage engagement in artistic hobbies amongst individuals with (i) moderate-severe depression, and (ii) moderate-severe anxiety compared to individuals with neither moderate-severe depression nor moderate-severe anxiety. Table S3. Results from logistic regression analyses showing odds of reporting two or more factors that would encourage engagement in artistic hobbies amongst individuals with (i) depression, and (ii) anxiety compared to individuals with neither depression or anxiety. Table S4. Results from logistic regression analyses showing odds of reporting three or more factors that would encourage engagement in artistic hobbies amongst individuals with (i) depression, and (ii) anxiety compared to individuals with neither depression or anxiety.


Economic and Social Research Council
