Springer Nature
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Additional file 1 of Assessment of k-mer spectrum applicability for metagenomic dissimilarity analysis

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posted on 2016-01-16, 05:00 authored by Veronika Dubinkina, Dmitry Ischenko, Vladimir Ulyantsev, Alexander Tyakht, Dmitry Alexeev
Supplementary tables. Supplementary Table S1. Bacterial abundances in Simulation 1 (high-diversity communities). Supplementary Table S2. Bacterial abundances in Simulation 2 (low-diversity communities). Supplementary Table S3. List of genomes in taxonomic catalog for human gut. Supplementary Table S4. Taxonomic composition for real dataset (organism level). Supplementary Table S5. Taxonomic composition for real dataset (genus level). Supplementary Table S6. Functional composition for real dataset (COG). Supplementary Table S7. Taxonomic composition for real dataset by MetaPhlAn (organism level). Supplementary Table S8. Mapped read counts and percentage of mapping on taxonomic and functional catalog and phage genome. (XLS 2693 kb)


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (RU)
