Springer Nature
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Additional file 1: of A piggyBac-based TANGO GFP assay for high throughput screening of GPCR ligands in live cells

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posted on 2019-05-23, 05:00 authored by Fei Li, Xi Jiang, Ling-Ling Luo, Yue-Ming Xu, Xing-Xu Huang, Cheng Huang, Yu Zhang
Figure S1 Concentration-fluorescence response of DRD2 stimulated by Cabergoline in piggyBac-TANGO assay. -: without DRD2 transfection. +: Cabergoline treatment. Number 1-14: the concentration of cabergoline used in piggyBac-TANGO assay corresponds to that of Fig. 1d. (JPG 107 kb)


Shanghai Science and Technology Development Foundation
