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Additional file 1 of A fast-linear mixed model for genome-wide haplotype association analysis: application to agronomic traits in maize

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-02-12, 04:43 authored by Heli Chen, Zhiyu Hao, Yunfeng Zhao, Runqing Yang
Additional file 1: Table S1. Genomic control values (GC) for the 5 traits with the QTLs detected by the Single-RunKing software. Figure S1. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for LNAE trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S2. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for DTH trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S3. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for PH trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S4. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for EH trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S5. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for ELW trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S6. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for ELL trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S7. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for TBN trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S8. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for EL trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S9. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for ED trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S10. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for GW trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S11. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for CW trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S12. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for KW trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S13. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for DTS trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively. Figure S14. QQ and Manhattan plots of three genetic units for DTA trait. The top, the medium and the bottom are for haplotype blocks, haplotype alleles and SNPs, respectively.
