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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of A genetic chronology for the Indian Subcontinent points to heavily sex-biased dispersals

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-03-23, 05:00 authored by Marina Silva, Marisa Oliveira, Daniel Vieira, Andreia Brandão, Teresa Rito, Joana Pereira, Ross Fraser, Bob Hudson, Francesca Gandini, Ceiridwen Edwards, Maria Pala, John Koch, James Wilson, Luísa Pereira, Martin Richards, Pedro Soares
BSP for haplogroup M in different regions of the Subcontinent: (a) West, (b) South, (c) Central and (d) East South Asia. Figure S2. Putative origin and age ranges (95% confidence interval) for non-autochthonous mtDNA lineages found in South Asia. The colours represent the most likely source for each lineage; branches exclusively with South Asian complete sequences coloured in green, whereas branches that also harbour sequences from other regions in white and with green contour. Ages according to ML estimates. Figure S3. ADMIXTURE analysis for all K values. Information on the populations included in Additional file 1: Table S3. Figure S4. sNMF analysis of modern populations for all K values. Information on the populations included in Additional file 1: Table S3. Figure S5. Cross-validation errors for different values of K for ADMIXTURE: (a) considering only modern populations and (b) including the Yamnaya in the analysis. Figure S6. ADMIXTURE analysis including the Yamnaya for all K values. Information on the populations included in Additional file 1: Table S3. Figure S7. PCA (for PC1 and PC3) of modern populations. Detailed information on the populations included in Additional file 1: Table S3. Figure S8. PCA (for PC1 and PC2) including the Yamnaya. Information on the populations included in Additional file 1: Table S3. Table S1. List of complete mtDNA sequences belonging to South Asian autochthonous haplogroups. Table S2. List of non-autochthonous complete modern mtDNA sequences used in our analyses. Table S3. Dataset used for the GW analyses. (a) Modern dataset. Populations marked with three asterisks (***) were added to the dataset exclusively for ADMIXTURE and sNMF runs, thereby being absent from the PCA. Table S4. Putative origin for the uniparental lineages found in the 1KGP South Asian populations. (PDF 7577 kb)


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