Springer Nature
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Additional file 16: of A phylogenetic framework of the legume genus Aeschynomene for comparative genetic analysis of the Nod-dependent and Nod-independent symbioses

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posted on 2018-12-05, 05:00 authored by Laurent Brottier, Clémence Chaintreuil, Paul Simion, Céline Scornavacca, Ronan Rivallan, Pierre Mournet, Lionel Moulin, Gwilym Lewis, Joël Fardoux, Spencer Brown, Mario Gomez-Pacheco, Mickaël Bourges, Catherine Hervouet, Mathieu Gueye, Robin Duponnois, Heriniaina Ramanankierana, Herizo Randriambanona, Hervé Vandrot, Maria Zabaleta, Maitrayee DasGupta, Angélique D’Hont, Eric Giraud, Jean-François Arrighi
Table S4. A. americana and A. villosa accessions used for the GBS analysis, their origin and characteristics. (XLSX 16 kb)


