Springer Nature
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Additional file 14: of Probabilistic modeling of personalized drug combinations from integrated chemical screen and molecular data in sarcoma

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posted on 2019-06-17, 05:00 authored by Noah Berlow, Rishi Rikhi, Mathew Geltzeiler, Jinu Abraham, Matthew Svalina, Lara Davis, Erin Wise, Maria Mancini, Jonathan Noujaim, Atiya Mansoor, Michael Quist, Kevin Matlock, Martin Goros, Brian Hernandez, Yee Doung, Khin Thway, Tomohide Tsukahara, Jun Nishio, Elaine Huang, Susan Airhart, Carol Bult, Regina Gandour-Edwards, Robert Maki, Robin Jones, Joel Michalek, Milan Milovancev, Souparno Ghosh, Ranadip Pal, Charles Keller
Figure S14. Heat map of IC50 and EC50 values for Pediatric Preclinical Testing Initiative Version 3 drug screen compounds inhibiting mutated and expressed targets in PCB490. Red in the IC50 and EC50 tables indicates low IC50 and EC50 values, respectively. No single target or combination of targets showed uniform efficacy across all PCB490 cultures, suggesting variations alone or in conjunction with transcriptome sequencing would not have identified actionable therapeutic targets. Heat values in the IC50 section of the table represent drug sensitivities as IC50 values, between 1 nM (red) and 6 μM or above (white). Heat values in the EC50 section of the table represent quantified drug-target interaction between chemical agents and gene targets, quantified as 50% inhibitory concentrations between 1 nM (red) and 6 μM or above (white), with grey representing no interaction. (TIF 13895 kb)


Scott Carter Foundation
