Springer Nature
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Additional file 14: of Polygenic and sex specific architecture for two maturation traits in farmed Atlantic salmon

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posted on 2019-02-15, 05:00 authored by Amin Mohamed, Klara Verbyla, Hawlader Al-Mamun, Sean McWilliam, Bradley Evans, Harry King, Peter Kube, James Kijas
SNP association for maturation traits on chromosome 25. GWAS for FMAT (A) and MMAT (B) are shown spanning the region containing VGLL3 (vertical lines). No association peak was evident for either trait. Minor allele frequency (MAF) for SNP was plotted to search for evidence of a selection sweep for FMAT (C) and MMAT (D). No evidence was seen for decreased allele frequency in the region surrounding the gene. Together, this suggests the gene has no effect on maturation as measured in the SALTAS population. (TIF 226 kb)


Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
