Springer Nature
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Additional file 13: of Life as a fortress – structure, function, and adaptive values of morphological and chemical defense in the oribatid mite Euphthiracarus reticulatus (Actinotrichida)

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posted on 2018-08-13, 05:00 authored by Michael Heethoff, Adrian Brückner, Sebastian Schmelzle, Mario Schubert, Maria Bräuer, Reinhard Meusinger, Stefan Dötterl, Roy Norton, Günther Raspotnig
Figure S6. Gas chromatographic traces and mass spectrometric data of the defensive secretion compounds of Euphthiracarus reticulatus if the samples were shortly (< 1 h) stored at room temperature before GC/MS analysis. (TIF 894 kb)


Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
