Springer Nature
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Additional file 13: of Changes in the liver transcriptome of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed experimental diets based on terrestrial alternatives to fish meal and fish oil

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posted on 2018-11-03, 05:00 authored by Albert Caballero-Solares, Xi Xue, Christopher Parrish, Maryam Foroutani, Richard Taylor, Matthew Rise
Figure S11. Scatter plots showing linear correlations between log2 apparent feed intake (AFI) and: A) log2 weight gain (WG); B) log2 gck RQs; C) log2 sgk2b RQs; D) log2 mxa RQs; E) log2 ifit5 RQs; F) log2 fabp3a RQs; G) log2 igd RQs. The analyses were performed using the tank mean values of each variable as AFI could only be calculated by tank. Regression lines and 95% confidence intervals are represented by solid and dashed lines, respectively. (TIF 95 kb)


Genome Canada
