Springer Nature
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Additional file 12: Figure S11. of Systems analysis of non-parenchymal cell modulation of liver repair across multiple regeneration modes

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posted on 2015-10-22, 05:00 authored by Daniel Cook, Babatunde Ogunnaike, Rajanikanth Vadigepalli
Heatmap comparison of overall liver mass recovered for altered GF production and degradation rates. (A) Heatmap with rescaled color mapping showing a subtle effect of coarse-grained control of regeneration by GF production and fine-tuned control by GF degradation (legend below), (B) Mass recovery holding one parameter constant at 20 and varying the other, and (C) Mass recovery holding one parameter constant at 20 and varying the other between 0–20. All parameter changes are displayed in Fold change [FC] over nominal parameter value. The black line indicates when GF production rate fold change equals GF degradation rate fold change. Asymmetry around this line, as in (A), indicates a differential effect of GF production and degradation. (TIFF 235 kb)


National Institutes of Health
