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Additional file 11: of Tracing the evolution of the heterotrimeric G protein α subunit in Metazoa

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posted on 2018-04-11, 05:00 authored by A. Lokits, H. Indrischek, J. Meiler, H. Hamm, P. Stadler
Table S2. Sites under positive selection in the branch leading to GNAO.1. Data is given for those residues that have a BEB probability for being in class 2a (sites under positive selection) for branch #1 (Fig. 9) > 90% in at least one of the tested codon models (F1X4, F3X4, Codon Table). The probabilities > 90% are marked in red. The identity and numbering of the residues in respect to the full-length protein sequence in human are given in column 1. (PNG 1046 kb)


National Institutes of Health
