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Additional file 11: of Light sheet theta microscopy for rapid high-resolution imaging of large biological samples

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posted on 2018-05-29, 05:00 authored by Bianca Migliori, Malika Datta, Christophe Dupre, Mehmet Apak, Shoh Asano, Ruixuan Gao, Edward Boyden, Ola Hermanson, Rafael Yuste, Raju Tomer
Video 6. High-resolution LSTM imaging of a large expanded section of Thy1-eYFP mouse brain. A thin (250 μm) coronal section was expanded ~ 4-fold using proExM procedure and imaged using LSTM with 10×/0.6NA detection objective. The resulting dataset (~ 6 TB) consisted of 723,300 full frame images (2048 × 2048). The data was down-sampled 8 × 8 fold to allow high-quality volumetric rendering. The high-resolution video is available in the figshare repository at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.4072160 . (MOV 439296 kb)


Columbia University
