Springer Nature
40645_2018_176_MOESM11_ESM.xlsx (6.36 MB)

Additional file 11: of Construction of perfectly continuous records of physical properties for dark-light sediment sequences collected from the Japan Sea during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 346 and their potential utilities as paleoceanographic studies

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posted on 2018-04-19, 05:00 authored by Tomohisa Irino, Ryuji Tada, Ken Ikehara, Takuya Sagawa, Akinori Karasuda, Shunsuke Kurokawa, Arisa Seki, Song Lu
Table S2. Physical properties such as MS, GRA, NGR, RGB, and RSC for U1423. Revised depth scale version is CCSF-D_Patched_rev20150416. L*a*b* values calculated from RGB are also given. (XLSX 6509 kb)


Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
