Springer Nature
12876_2019_1063_MOESM3_ESM.pptx (101.85 kB)

Additional File 3:

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posted on 2019-08-17, 04:26 authored by Sjoerd Uil, Evert Broek, Veerle CoupĂŠ, Thomas Vellinga, Pien Delis-van Diemen, Herman Bril, Eric Belt, Onno Kranenburg, Hein Stockmann, Jeroen Belien, Gerrit Meijer, Remond Fijneman
Figure S1. DFS stratified for high and low stromal percentage. Figure S2. DFS stratified for high and low expression of HIF1A. Figure S3. DFS stratified for high and low expression of VEGFA. (PPTX 101 kb)


Stichting Chirurg en Onderzoek Kennemerland
